Collection: Wax Combs

Wax combs are indispensable tools for any surfer, playing a crucial role in the maintenance and performance of your surfboard. These small, yet effective accessories are used to roughen up the wax on your surfboard deck, helping to renew grip and ensure optimal traction during your surf sessions.

At Northshore, our wax combs are designed to be multi-functional. Not only do they refresh your board's wax for better grip, but many models also come equipped with a straight edge that is perfect for scraping off old wax. This feature is especially useful when you need to clean your board completely before applying a new layer of wax, ensuring a clean surface for maximum adherence.

Using a wax comb regularly allows you to maintain the ideal texture of your surfboard's wax, enhancing your stability and control on the waves. They are compact and easy to store in any surf kit, making them an essential, everyday tool for both novice and experienced surfers alike.

Whether you’re prepping for a new session or maintaining your board after a day in the surf, a high-quality wax comb from Northshore can make all the difference in your board’s performance and longevity. Don’t let slippery wax compromise your experience—keep your grip firm and your rides smooth with our reliable wax combs.