Collection: Board Bags

Protecting your surfboard is essential to prolong its lifespan and ensure it's always ready for your next surf session. At Northshore, we offer a diverse selection of board bags designed to safeguard your prized possession from physical damage, UV exposure, and the everyday wear and tear of transportation.

Choosing the Right Board Bag: When selecting a board bag, consider the level of protection you need based on how and where you'll be transporting your board. Our collection ranges from lightweight day bags that are perfect for local trips to heavy-duty travel bags designed for air travel and long-distance journeys. Features to look for include:

  • Padding: Adequate padding is crucial, especially if you travel frequently. Look for bags with at least 5mm of foam padding to protect against dings and bumps.
  • Material: Durable, UV-resistant materials will protect your board from sun damage and heat, which can warp or delaminate your surfboard.
  • Size: Ensure the bag fits your board snugly but with enough room to easily insert and remove the board. Too tight and you risk damaging your board; too loose and the board could slide and suffer impact damage.
  • Additional Storage: Extra pockets and compartments are useful for stashing wax, fins, wetsuits, and other gear.

Best Practices for Board Safety:

  • Clean Before Storing: Always rinse your board and let it dry completely before placing it in a bag. This prevents mold growth and saltwater corrosion.
  • Avoid Overheating: Never leave your surfboard in a board bag directly under the sun for prolonged periods. Heat buildup can cause the foam to expand and contract, potentially damaging the board.
  • Use Ventilated Bags: If possible, choose a bag with built-in vents to allow air circulation, which helps to prevent overheating and moisture accumulation.
  • Careful Handling: When loading your board into a vehicle, place it fin side up to avoid pressure on the fins and tail. Secure the board to prevent any movement that could lead to damage during transport.

By investing in a quality board bag and following these best practices, you can significantly extend the life of your surfboard and ensure it remains in great condition. At Northshore, our experts are on hand to help you select the perfect board bag that matches your surfboard type and your lifestyle, keeping your board safe and sound wherever your surfing adventures take you.