Collection: Leashes

When it comes to surfing, the right leash is as crucial as any other part of your gear. It not only keeps your board close when you wipe out but also ensures safety for yourself and others around you. At Northshore, we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of surfboard leashes that cater to different surfing needs and conditions.

Variety of Leashes: Our selection includes leashes in various thicknesses, lengths, and styles, ensuring that every surfer finds the perfect match for their board and wave conditions. From lightweight comp leashes for small waves and competition use to thicker, more durable leashes for big wave surfing, each type offers specific benefits and features.

Key Features to Consider:

  • Length: The length of your leash should roughly match the length of your surfboard. Longer boards typically require longer leashes to allow for adequate movement, while shorter boards can utilize shorter leashes to keep the board nearby after a fall.
  • Thickness: Thicker leashes are more durable and suited for larger waves, as they are less likely to snap under the pressure of a big wipeout. Thinner leashes are better for smaller waves and provide less drag in the water, making them ideal for competitive surfing.
  • Swivel: High-quality leashes feature swivels to prevent the leash from tangling. This is crucial for safety and ease of movement, allowing you to focus on your surfing rather than managing your gear.
  • Cuff: The comfort and fit of the ankle or calf cuff are important. Look for padded cuffs with a secure, adjustable strap that won’t slip off during use.

Benefits: Using the right leash improves your surfing experience by ensuring your board is always within reach, minimizing the risk of losing your board or having it hit other surfers. A good leash also contributes to your performance by reducing drag and preventing tangles.

At Northshore, we’re equipped to help you choose the perfect leash based on your specific surfing needs. Whether you’re just starting out or gearing up for big wave action, our extensive range and experienced staff will guide you to the best options. Remember, the right leash not only enhances your safety and performance but also protects your investment in your surfboard by keeping it close at hand.