Collection: Bodyboards

Discover the thrill of bodyboarding with our extensive range at Northshore, featuring options for every level of enthusiast—from playful beginner boards for kids to advanced models for seasoned riders. Our selection is carefully curated to ensure that everyone, regardless of their experience, can find a board that meets their needs and enhances their enjoyment of the sport.

Our bodyboards are designed with quality and performance in mind, allowing for an excellent introduction to the waves for novices, and providing the necessary features for advanced riders to excel. Whether you’re looking to catch your first wave or refine your riding techniques, we have the board for you.

At Northshore, we understand that choosing the right bodyboard is crucial to your experience in the water. That’s why we encourage you to reach out and speak with our knowledgeable staff who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your level of skill and goals in the sport.

Please remember, to ensure the best care and preservation of quality, all our bodyboards are available through our 'click and collect' service only. Get in touch with us at Northshore for any assistance you need in selecting your ideal bodyboard and start making waves in no time!