Collection: Wetsuit Maintenance

Maintaining your wetsuit is crucial for extending its life and ensuring it continues to perform at its best. Proper care not only keeps your suit in good shape but also maximizes your comfort and warmth in the water. Here at Northshore, we offer a range of products and advice to help you maintain your wetsuit effectively.

General Maintenance Tips:

  • Rinse Thoroughly: Always rinse your wetsuit with fresh water after each use to remove salt, chlorine, and other residues.
  • Dry Properly: Hang your wetsuit to dry in the shade on a wide hanger to avoid stretching the neoprene. Avoid direct sunlight, which can break down the material over time.
  • Store Correctly: When not in use, store your wetsuit flat or on a proper wetsuit hanger to prevent creases and compression marks.
  • Avoid Sharp Objects: Be mindful of where you change into your wetsuit, avoiding rough surfaces that can snag and tear the material.

By investing in the right maintenance products and following these care instructions, you can significantly extend the life of your wetsuit. For more detailed information or specific product recommendations, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experts are here to ensure you have all the tools and knowledge needed to keep your wetsuit in prime condition.