Collection: Softboards

Explore the playful and forgiving world of softboards at Northshore, perfect for surfers at every level, from beginners taking their first waves to seasoned enthusiasts looking for a fun addition to their surf collection. Our range of softboards is designed to maximize safety and enjoyment on the water, featuring soft, flexible materials that reduce the risk of injuries while offering excellent buoyancy and stability.

Ideal for learning and perfecting surfing skills, our softboards come in various sizes and designs to suit different age groups and skill levels. They are particularly popular among families and surfing instructors due to their ease of use and durability.

At Northshore, we understand the importance of choosing the right softboard for your surfing style and progression. Our experienced team is on hand to provide expert advice and personalized recommendations. Whether you're buying your first board or adding to your quiver, we’re here to guide you through our extensive selection.

Remember, all our softboards are available exclusively through our 'click and collect' service to ensure they reach you in perfect condition. Connect with us at Northshore for any help and guidance in selecting your ideal softboard and make your next surf session your best yet!