Collection: Surfboards

Explore the ultimate surfboard collection at Northshore, where we cater to all surfing enthusiasts, from novices catching their first waves to seasoned competitors making a splash on international shores. Our diverse range of surfboards features everything from the fluid grace of longboards to the sharp responsiveness of shortboards. We also specialize in a variety of designs including versatile fish boards, stable mid-lengths, and playful skim and softboards, ensuring there's a perfect board for every style and skill level.

Our team isn't just made up of salespeople; they're champion surfers themselves, boasting international accolades and a deep passion for surfing. Their expert knowledge and firsthand experience are invaluable, helping you to find the ideal surfboard that matches your surfing ambitions and style.

We understand the logistic challenges associated with transporting surfboards. That's why we offer a complimentary 'click and collect' service for all our surfboards, ensuring your new board arrives safely and conveniently without the risk of shipping damage.

At Northshore, we're committed to making your surfboard shopping experience as informative and personal as possible. We invite you to discuss your surfing needs with our knowledgeable staff, who are eager to guide you through our extensive surfboard collection and help you select the board that best fits your surfing requirements. Whether you’re stepping onto a board for the first time or looking to enhance your competitive edge, Northshore has the surfboard for you.