Collection: Ear Plugs

Earplugs are a crucial accessory for surfers, especially those frequently exposed to cold water and windy conditions. Surfer's ear, or exostosis, is a condition where abnormal bone growth occurs in the ear canal due to prolonged exposure to cold water and wind, leading to potential hearing loss, infections, and discomfort. The condition, more common in cold water surfers, results from the body's response to cold, creating a bony growth that narrows the ear canal, making it difficult for water to exit and leading to complications like trapped earwax and infections​.

To prevent surfer's ear, wearing earplugs every time you surf is recommended. This simple yet effective solution blocks the cold water from entering the ear canal, significantly reducing the risk of developing the condition. When choosing earplugs, it's important to look for ones that provide a snug and comfortable fit without compromising your ability to hear. This ensures not only protection from the elements but also maintains awareness of your surroundings, which is crucial for safety in busy surf spots​.