Our Values & Community Alignment

At Northshore, our ethos is woven from the rich tapestry of surf culture, underpinned by a steadfast commitment to expert knowledge, unwavering support, and the collective experience of our staff. These pillars are not just the foundation of our business; they're the guiding stars that align us with the vibrant community we serve.

Expertise with Heart: Every team member at Northshore brings a depth of knowledge and a passion for surfing that's second to none. This expertise isn't just about understanding the technical aspects of our products; it's about sharing stories, offering personalized advice, and ensuring that every person who walks through our doors leaves with something far more valuable than a product—a piece of our collective surfing spirit.

Community at Our Core: Our roots run deep within the sands of Newquay, entwined with the local surf scene and the broader community. Sponsorship of local events, support for charities, and partnerships with organizations dedicated to preserving our beaches and seas are expressions of our commitment to giving back. These initiatives reflect our belief in the power of community to enact positive change, making our local environment a better place for all.

Digital Horizons, Traditional Values: Embracing the digital realm is our latest voyage, yet our compass remains fixed on the values that have steered us for over 40 years. This transition is not about changing who we are but about extending our reach, bringing the authentic Northshore experience to a wider audience. We see this as an opportunity to spread the essence of a traditional surf shop—a haven of quality, support, and knowledge—to the global surf community while remaining anchored in our local roots.

A Legacy of Support and Quality: Northshore is synonymous with quality—not just in the products we offer but in the relationships we build. Our move online is guided by the principle of supporting our community, near and far, ensuring that the essence of Northshore—a surf shop like they used to be—is felt in every interaction, every piece of advice, and every product we offer.

In this ever-evolving landscape, our values serve as a lighthouse, guiding us and our community towards a future where the spirit of surfing and the care for our environment go hand in hand. Join us as we ride the waves of change, anchored by tradition, propelled by innovation, and united by our shared love for the surf.