Collection: Drybags

Drybags are an indispensable accessory for anyone who spends time by the water, whether you're surfing, kayaking, or simply enjoying a day at the beach. At Northshore, our selection of drybags is designed to meet the needs of all water enthusiasts, providing a reliable solution for keeping your belongings dry and secure in various wet environments.

Waterproof Protection: The primary advantage of a drybag is its ability to keep contents completely dry, no matter the conditions. Made from waterproof materials with sealed seams and secure closures, drybags ensure that water cannot penetrate, whether during a downpour, while splashing through waves, or if the bag is accidentally submerged. This makes them perfect for storing electronics, clothing, towels, and other essentials that need to stay dry.

Versatility in Usage: Drybags come in a variety of sizes and styles, from small pouches suitable for phones and wallets to larger bags that can hold clothing and equipment. This versatility makes them ideal for a range of activities. You can use a drybag to segregate wet gear from dry gear inside your travel bag, or use one to ensure your snacks and electronic devices are protected from sand and sea spray while you surf.

Convenience and Portability: With features like roll-top closures and adjustable straps, drybags are designed for ease of use and can be carried as a backpack, slung over the shoulder, or attached to a boat or kayak. Lightweight yet durable, they are easy to pack when empty and robust enough to withstand the rigors of outdoor adventures.

Protection from the Elements: Apart from keeping your gear dry, drybags also protect against dust, sand, and dirt, making them useful in a variety of outdoor settings. They're particularly valuable on the beach, where sand can get into everything, or in muddy conditions where dirt and grime are a concern.

Security: While you enjoy the waves, a drybag can be securely closed and anchored to a fixed object, providing peace of mind that your items are not only protected from the environment but also from potential theft.

Whether you're planning a full day of surfing and need a secure place to store your valuables, or you're embarking on a multi-day adventure where the elements can be unpredictable, drybags are a critical piece of gear. At Northshore, our experts can help you select the right drybag to keep your essentials safe and dry, enhancing your overall experience in and around water.