Collection: Wetsuit Gloves

Wetsuit gloves are an essential accessory for anyone venturing into colder water conditions, providing not only warmth but also added protection against the elements and rough surfaces. When choosing the right pair of wetsuit gloves, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you have the best possible experience in the water.

Thickness: Wetsuit gloves come in various thicknesses, typically ranging from 2mm to 7mm. The choice of thickness largely depends on the water temperature you plan to face. Thinner gloves (2-3mm) are suitable for milder conditions and offer greater dexterity, which is crucial for managing equipment or intricate tasks underwater. Thicker gloves (5-7mm) are designed for very cold waters, providing maximum thermal protection but slightly reducing flexibility.

Material and Seams: Most wetsuit gloves are made from neoprene, the same material as wetsuits, which has excellent thermal retention properties. Gloves with sealed seams are better at preventing water ingress, thus keeping your hands warmer for longer. Some high-end models also feature thermal linings for extra warmth and comfort.

Fit and Grip: A proper fit is crucial in wetsuit gloves to avoid excess water flow, which can reduce warmth. Gloves should fit snugly without restricting movement. Look for gloves with textured palms and fingers to enhance grip, which is especially helpful for holding onto surfboards, dive equipment, or even the slippery deck of a kayak.

Remember, the right pair of wetsuit gloves can make a significant difference in your comfort and performance in cold waters. Whether you’re surfing, diving, or engaging in other water sports, consider these factors carefully to choose the best gloves for your activities. If you need more advice or have specific requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out. With our extensive experience, we’re here to help you select the perfect wetsuit gloves to complement your aquatic adventures.